Navigating Motherhood: Finding Your Own Path amidst the Abundance of Information and Advice

Navigating Motherhood: Finding Your Own Path amidst the Abundance of Information and Advice

Being a mom is undoubtedly one of the toughest roles in the world. From the moment your little one enters the world, you are tasked with figuring out their needs and providing for them in every way. However, what makes this journey even more challenging is the influx of advice from well-meaning friends, family, and even strangers. In this blog post, I will share my experience of finding my own path as a mother. Hopefully I will help some of you to find a way of dealing with all the information and advice.


The Overwhelming Tide of Advice


It’s a scenario every mom can relate to: everyone around you seems to have an opinion on how you should raise your child. Whether it’s a friendly friend, a family member, or even a passerby at the grocery store, the advice never seems to stop coming. In a world where information is so readily available, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the abundance of conflicting opinions and approaches.


Selecting Your Guides


To help me navigate this sea of advice, one of my close friends offered me a valuable piece of wisdom during my early days of motherhood. She suggested that I choose one or two individuals to listen to and seek guidance from. By selecting these trusted sources, whether it be a pediatrician or a trusted friend or family member, I could filter out the overwhelming flow of information and focus on what matters most.


Inspired by her words, I decided to follow the advice of our pediatrician, a recognized expert in his field, and lean on the support of a close friend in the absence of my own mother. This approach initially seemed to work well, helping me stay grounded in a sea of uncertainty.


The Breaking Point


However, my newfound sense of security was shattered when our pediatrician advised us on an eating schedule that had us struggling for more than a month, as well as to put our 6 month old baby in a separate room and let him cry himself to sleep to train sleep independence. It was a moment of realization that even experts are human and have personal preferences. While he confidently recommended his sleeping method based on his personal experience, it wasn’t something I was willing to do. It dawned on me that everyone gives you advice based on their personal preference. But here I go again, for the millionth time, every child is different, every family is different and everyone has different needs. What works for one may not necessarily work for another. 


Embracing Individuality


This pivotal moment opened my eyes to the fact that parenting is not a one-size-fits-all journey. Each child, each family, has their own unique needs and dynamics. The path that worked for someone else may not necessarily align with our own values and instincts. I realized my friend’s advice worked great for her, but it didn’t work for me. I have been struggling because that’s not me. I wasn’t lucky enough to have the first thing I was told work in my favor. I needed to do my research, gather all valid information and then make a decision based ON MY CHILD’S NEEDS and then MY FAMILY’S NEEDS. The only person you need to follow is your child. I began to understand that I needed to trust myself as a mother and rely on my child’s cues to guide my parenting decisions.


Research and Adaptation


Armed with this newfound perspective, I continued my research about various parenting approaches and different aspects of it. I sought information from reliable sources, read facts and opinions, and synthesized my findings with my own experiences. Parenting is an ongoing journey of trial and error, where adjustments and adaptations are key.  It’s ok if you don’t get something right the first time. Try something else. There is more than one way to do things right. 


Through this process, I started making informed decisions that aligned not only with my child’s needs but also with the unique dynamics of our family. As I adjusted our approach to sleep, feeding, and other aspects of our daily routine, I began to witness positive changes in my son’s well-being. He thrived, became happier, and our family dynamics improved as I got more relaxed and tension eased.




In this whirlwind of well-intentioned advice, it is crucial to remember that no one knows your child better than you do. While seeking guidance from trusted sources is essential, it is equally important to trust your instincts and adapt to your child’s individual needs. As you navigate the ups and downs of motherhood, remember that it’s okay to make mistakes and try different approaches until you find what works best for your family. Embrace the journey of discovering your own path, and your child will flourish under the support and love that come from an authentic and confident mother. And always remember: you are the best mother for your child.